

As Wellcore is involved in dewatering in the construction industry in the Western Cape, South Africa, where ground water problems are common, we have decided to include the installation of permanent construction drainage systems as part of our services.

We work closely with our client as the drainage design specifications are normally supplied by our clients engineering representative and/or main contractor. We would compile a tender for supply and installation with recommendations where necessary based on our experiences gained during dewatering. On acceptance of our tender we would proceed with the drainage installation in conjunction with our client and his representative and/or main contractor.

We are generally involved in drainage installations in the following applications:

  • Behind retaining walls
  • Around buildings and structures
  • Domestic buildings, driveways, etc.
  • Sub-soil drainage under buildings
  • Sports fields, etc
  • Permanent/temporary lowering of minor water tables for excavation/concrete work
  • Drainage sump and pump installations

Successful drainage

Pipes have been used successfully for many years in areas where it is necessary to channel the flow of water out of sub-soil drainage swiftly and effectively and will continue to do so.

  Drainage   drainage   drainage
  Layout of basement   Drain   Rock fill over drain


The Geopipes and Flo-drain products of Kaytech are used in our installations.
Click here for the kaytech website.



Geopipes Brochure
pdf document, 3mb
Technical brochure about Geopipes

Flo-Drain Brochure
pdf document, 2,8mb
Technical brochure about Flo-Drains

Preliminary Project Analysis Form - Drainage
xls document, 50kb
Please complete this form and fax to us when applying for drainage.